Jennifer Cabaud has been an artist since childhood. She has always loved to paint and draw and was designing clothing and painting as a teenager for her mother's walls. After moving to Northern California as a young adult, she began to attend the Academy of Art College, in San Francisco. There, she embarked on an exploration of graphic art and advertising and for several years had a graphic art and fashion illustration business in Sonoma, CA. She has dabbled in many artistic forms, from clothing manufacturing and design ("Jenar Designs" and "Bread and Butter") to her current oil painting career. Along the way she has garnered much recognition and encouragement from her patrons. Her works in watercolor and oil are are primarily in private collections, however, one of her images was used by ORACLE for it's Christmas card in 1997.
Her style and palette are ever evolving and beautifully colorful examples of art in it's freedom of movement and personal reflection. Jennifer's signature bold colors in oil and softer muted tones in watercolor, reflect the influence of her favorite artist/mentors....Brooks Anderson(Oil) and Ray Jacobsen(Watercolor).
She lives with her husband Phil and their son John(JP) in Sonoma,CA enjoying the beauty and bounty that are everywhere in this gorgeous area. Daughter Morgan and her family Max, Chloe (9) and Rose Maud (13months) are now back in Sonoma too! Her work is often featured in local venues and she can be found supporting artists displayed at Sunflower Caffe, where she helps to currate the art each month.